US GenWeb

Archived Queries
Surnames Beginning with "P"

Please keep in mind as you peruse these queries that the email addresses for the submitters are over 11 years old and may no longer be valid. If YOU placed a query here, PLEASE email Debby Masterson to update your contact information so that researchers wishing to contact you may do so. Thank you!

PADGETT Fri Mar 21 10:45:44 1997
Searching for information Dorothy PADGETT born in 1824 in County Clare Ireland in 1824 and William ROBINSON born in Belfast Ireland in 1823. They were married in Albany, NY in 1844. At least two daughters were born there: Mary about 1845 and Sarah (Sallie)in May of 1847. The family was in Quincy, IL in 1850. William Robinson was a tailor. Does anyone know of this PADGETT or ROBINSON family?

PAINE Mon Dec 16 19:48:22 1996
Seeking information on family of Nathaniel and Betsey (BURCH) PAINE. Ch: Abraham, Isaac, Jacop, Charsic, Betsey, Abbie. Early info I have says that Jacob PAINE was born 7 Jan 1784, Dover, NY. Does anyone have any info on this PAINE family?

PAINE Mon Dec 16 20:06:06 1996
PAINE/PHILLIPS - Abraham Paine, b 28 Sep 1781 NY, m Prudence Phillips, dau of Isaac and Ann (??) Phillips, b 17 Aug 1785. Ch: Lucy; Chauncy; Ransom b 1813 Worcester, Ostego Co; Malina b 1815; Archibald b 1816; Abbie Ann b 1818; Hariett b 1820; Hester Ann b 1822; Silas Washburn b 1825, Worcester. Abraham was found in 1820 census for Town of Worcester; also, deeds for sale of land in 1817 & for purchase of more land in 1820, sold in 1826, they removed to Bradford Co, PA abt 1840. Does anyone know where Abraham & Prudence were before 1817 or have any other info on this family. Thank you

PALMATIER Fri Jan 17 16:47:53 1997
I am researching the PALMATIER genealogy. My great-grandfather, GEORGE PALMATIER and his wife, ROSETTA BARTLETT moved to Walton in abt. 1903. His parents were HARMON and MARY J. (BENTON) PALMATIER. Rosetta's parents were ERASTUS and NANCY BARTLETT. I have a photo of George and Rosetta in front of their "new" house at 288 Front St. I also have photos of George in his grocery store on Delaware St. and Prospect Ave. I would appreciate any information on the PALMATIERs, BENTONs, or BARTLETTs; the information I have makes it appear the PALMATIERs dropped into Delaware County out of nowhere. I believe George and Rosetta moved to Walton from Sidney Center (Central) where they were married. My grandfather, EARL PALMATIER moved to Buffalo where my father, ROBERT and I were born and raised. Also have descendants EZRA PALMATIER and HARMON PALMATIER who were possibly in the 144th NY Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. ANY INFO IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!


PARKS Oct 25 1997
According to my g-g-grandfathers' (David PARKS) civil war pension records he was married in the univeralist church, Albany NY on August 15, 1831. Can anyone varify for me that this church existed then and secondly are there any records for this church that have been extracted by anyone? He married Dulina Hyde of CT.

PASSMORE Tue Jan 28 18:00:35 1997
Looking for any information on Horace PASSMORE, born in Montgomery Co NY in 1810. Married Sarah Jane LOCKWOOD ? who was born in NY in 1812. Children were Melissa, Charles, Henry Albert, Harriet, George, Miner, Josephin, and Frank S. All were born in NY except Frank who was born in Wi. Thanks much in advance. Check out my home page for more names. I have over 14,000 names in my data base.

PATON Sun Dec 8 17:10:19 1996
Looking for information on George Paton born ABT 1840-50 in NY Wife was Mary A McCook from Va.Lived in Baltimore,Md


PATRICK Mon Dec 16 18:51:05 1996
I'm sort of a novice at this but have had some success. I do know that a John Patrick was born some where in Schohaire County in 1807, not sure, but think his parents were Abraham Patrick and Lucy Gurnsey. Do not know if Abraham was born in NY State or arrived there direct from Ireland. In any event, Abraham and family eventually moved to Canada via the Niagara Area approx. 1811 / 12 and finally settled in Middlesex County in the now Province of Ontario. He and various family members are buried in Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery in Lambeth, Ontario Canada. Have tried to check various lists for "Patrick" names, but ones I have come across, appear not right line. Any info will be greatly appreciated and willing to share what info I do have on the above. Also researching the surnames of: Morris; Tait and Green, all with links back to England


PEARSON Sun Apr 13 16:48:12 1997
I am interested in info on: POOLE PEARSON b. cal755 Albany Thankyou, Noel


PERRY Wed Mar 5 16:21:50 1997
Seeking any info on HENRY PERRY family.Siblings are OLIVER H PERRYand WILLIAM PERRY.Possibly born in Wales.Also any info on DAVID and REBECCA WILSON from Coxsackie NY. All moved to Portage Co Ohio aprox 1833. All above possibly resided in Albany or Greene Co.

PETTIT Sat Jan 18 15:43:34 1997
I am looking for the parents of Seth PETTIT, reportedly born in New York in 1744. He married Betsy Benson and had at least 10 children, including Thomas, Samuel, John Elisha, Catherine, Mary, Peter, Jonathan, David and Abraham. He appears as an executor to a will in Nobelwotn, Albany Co. in 1781, Broadalbin, Montgomery Co. in the 1790s and in Hillsdale, Columbia Co. in the 1790 census. Thanks

PHELPS Tue Feb 18 20:35:30 1997
Need To Locate Deeds of James Phelps 1790 census in Harpersfield, Montogemery Co., NY. He is in Oxford, Chenango Co., NY 1800 census. Has son Alexander who abt 1795 married Catherine Haven daughter of Asa and Mary Mellen Haven. Trying to Identify James by name of wife on the deeds. She is not on Chenango Co. deed. He sold that property to one of his other sons Rufus, Rufus moved to Erie Co., PA with wife Honor, Resided with son Luman in 1850 census. would like to prove his wife is Rebecca Curtis. Have more of Alex's Children info Cyrus of Killawog Broome Co., Ny. Chauncy Of Cincinatus Cortland Co., NY, Looking For spouse For Their Sisters including Rebecca Phelps

PICKARD Sat Jan 11 18:40:03 1997
Would like to correspond with anyone doing research on Pickard family in New York.

PICKNEY Sat May 17 06:54:12 1997
PICKNEY, Nancy born about 1800, married Abram Bradt who was born in Albany county. Their children were 1. Nancy 2. Sarah 3. Eleanor 4. Jane 5. John A. 6. Susan 7. Edward 8. Peter Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PIERCE Tue Dec 17 04:18:54 1996
PIERCE Need info on Eliakim Pierce b ca 1770, d 04 Nov 1830 White Creek, Washington, NY Unknown wife preceded Will speaks of offspring: Nathan, Daniel, David, Samuel, Nehemiah, Thomas, Ephraim, Mary Herrington and Jane Pierce. Any info on Pierces of White Creek would be appreciated.

PILOTE/PILOTTE Fri Feb 7 16:48:54 1997
Looking for any information on Edourd PILOTE\PILOTTE & wife Marcellina GUAY PILOTE from Canada to Essex Co, down to Rensellaer Co. Need birth Information on G Grandfather Paul PELOTTE \ PILOTTE and information on g grandmothers family Delia GAGNE.

PINSONNEAULT Wed Sep 3 10:11:06 1997
Looking for family in NY: Peter PINSONNEAULT and wife Eleanor and their son, Joseph Stanaslaus PINSONNEAULT 1860-1899 and his wife, Helen Agnes POMINVILLE 1869-1960. The children of Joseph and Helen were born in Watertown, NY, Norbert Joseph,1893, twins, Claire and Grace, 1891.

PITTSINGER Thu Apr 10 08:27:38 1997
I am looking for the parents of Charles Monroe Pittsinger who was born in Byberry in 1836. He married Elizabeth Ann Watson , who was born in Byberry on January 20, 1840. She was the daughter of John Watson and Mary Lyed.


PORTER Sun Dec 22 18:08:11 1996
Would like to know the ancestry of Asa PORTER b 16 May 1771, d 1826 Lima, Livingston Co. NY. His 1st wife was Clarissa CUSHING who died 1816 Lima, Livingston Co. NY. 2nd wife was Elizabeth (Betsey) CUSHING who d 1824, Lima. All are buried in Presbyterian Cemetery, Lima. Names of children were: Roxana, Willard, Asa, Enos, Arza, Samuel, Juliet, Albert, Lydia and Mary Elizabeth (Betsey).

PORTER Sun Nov 3 11:12:21 1996
Livingston Co. NY - Asa PORTER m Clarissa CUSHING and was living here when he died in 1826. Asa, his wife Clarissa d 1816 and his second wife, Elizabeth CUSHING d 1824 are all buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Lima along with children, Asa Jr. 1810, Enos 1838, Juliet 1816. Names of other children were: Lydia, Elizabeth (Betsey), Roxanna, Willard, Arza, Samuel, and Albert. I have no idea where these people came from. Can anyone help? Iris Grimmett, 41178 Port Drive, Sweet Home, Oregon 97386

PRATT Tue Oct 7 23:12:37 1997
Am researching the surnames from Onondago Co, NY, ca 1825-1870,: Pratt, Payn, Curtiss, Osborn, Emerson, Ladow, Collins, and Strope. Most of these families came to Onondago Co. via Essex and Washington Co., NY, and VT. I would appreciate any information on these families.

PRESCOTT Tue Jun 24 11:35:09 1997
PRESCOTT, Herbert F., This individual is mentioned in a book, "Loyalists of New Jersey:...etc.", published in 1927. He apparently was the descendent of a loyalist known as Captain Samuel Hayden. At the time of the publication, Mr. Prescott had possession of a miniture portrait ring of Samuel Hayden. It is in the book that he lived in Albany at the time. I'm trying to find the ring or a picture of it.

PRESTON Wed Apr 30 14:06:06 1997
Hello My name is Carol Huber in Northern CA. My ancestors lived in Albany Co, the part that later became Columbia County. One became a lawyer & graduated from law school in Albany Co in early 1800. Just to show my connection. What I want to find out is about the Hannay Papers held in the Albany Institute of History & Art. These papers were compiled by Col. William Vanderpoel Hannay (1896-1976). These papers list the buriel places with the birth deaths and marriages of my PRESTON family, I have a copy. On these papers we found the maiden name of the wife of John Preston to be Thankful Darling. I would like to know if they have any more information on the Darling family. It is wonderful family information and I would like to know if you know of these papers? Are they on film and if so can they be ordered by interlibrary loan or is there any way they can be read because they may hold priceless info on out Darling family. The entire Preston family is listed and I am sure this would be invaluable information to many searching in your County. I appreciate any help you can give me in this matter, as you can see it is not possible for me to go there easily. Thank You for helping with the wonderfud GenWeb project. Carol

PRIME/PRUYN/PRUIN Tue Nov 19 09:05:17 1996
Seeking information on the Prime/Pruyn/Pruin families of Montgomery County. My last identifiable ancestors there are David Pruin (also spelled Pruyne) who married a Eunice French and had my gggf David P. Pruin/Preme/Prime who was in turn married thrice: 1st to an Ann Courtney, with son Abram C. Prime; 2nd to a Virtue Coons, with issue daughter Hannah; and lastly to Nancy Ellen Vedder, 1823-1898, by whom he had sons Israel Day Prime, Albert, Jacob, John; and daughters Mary Jane (Langley) and Anna (Bille). The family name was apparently anglicized over the years. Baptismal and marriage records from the Dutch Reformed Church at Fonda show David P. Prime slowly changing the spelling of his name from the original Pruyn(e) to Pruin/Preme and finally to Prime. He and Virtue moved to the Allegany/Cattaraugus County area circa 1841, when Virtue died. He married Miss Vedder the following year and my ggf, Israel Prime, who later used the name James Francis Prime, was born in 1843. Would greatly appreciate any information on how David Pruyn(e) and Eunice French tie into the historic Pruyn families of Montgomery and Albany counties.

PURPLE Tue Nov 19 17:01:22 1996
I am really getting desperate. I have been trying to research the PURPLE connection to my family with no luck. Wesley PURPLE, my grandfather, b 1852, d 1936. Lavel PURPLE, My g-grandfather, circa 1840 Does someone have information on any PURPLEs??? I am not even sure of the locations except that they lived in upstate NY.

PUTNAM Thu Jan 9 09:23:52 1997
I am looking for any information on Eli Putnam, born 10 Jun 1797 and died on 29 May 1845. I am not sure were he died but have been told it was somewhere in New York State. I know that his wife Lucy, and son Daniel Webster Putnam moved to New Berlin in 1847. Daniel Webster married a girl from New Berlin by the name of Mary Jane Hudson and had 5 children. He was killed during the Civil War in 1863. If anyone can provide any information on Eli Putnam I would greatly appreciate it. I have more information on the Putnam Family that I will be glad to share with anyone.

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Debby Masterson

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