We sincerely regret that all the information that we have been able to obtain of this distinguished scholar and soldier, is contained in the following notices of the deceased, taken from our daily newspapers:
"In the month of September, 1862, Col. George W. Pratt of the Twentieth New York State Militia, died in this city, whither he had been brought from the battle field. His death resulted from paralysis, caused by the explosion of a shell near his person in the action of August 29th, while he was gallantly leading his regiment. No wound was inflicted, but his whole system was paralyzed, and he was insensible most of the time after he was stricken down. He died at the residence of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Benjamin Tibbitts, corner of Hawk and Lancaster streets. He was a young man of great promise. He had served as State Senator with ability and integrity. He was a merchant of enterprise and wealth. He was of cultivated understanding and engaging manners. He had a knowledge of many different languages, and was a member of the leading scientific societies in this country and in Europe, and had received the degree of LL. D. from a leading German University. His library, in the department of Eastern literature, was the best in the country. He had the Bible in thirty-two languages. His military ambition and his patriotism called him to the field on the outbreak of the civil war, and he hastened to the support of the Government at the head of the Twentieth Regiment, of which he was Colonel. He was only called to a three months service, but he enlisted for the war, and had served with distinction through the long campaign, when he received his fatal wound on the disastrous field of Manassas. He was beloved and confided in by his soldiers; and the army will miss him, for he was one of the class most needed—a high-toned, conscientious and gallant soldier. He was but thirty-two years of age."
"The day was pleasant, and an immense concourse of people were in the streets to witness the imposing pageant. Flags were hung at half mast; guns were fired during the day, and the bells were tolled during the funeral march. The remains were buried from St. Peter's Church, where impressive services took place, under direction of Rt. Rev. Bishops Alonzo and Horatio Potter. The procession moved from the church in the following order:
"The whole was under the command of Col. Bryan, assisted by Lieut. Col. Chamberlain and Quartermaster Rathbone, of the Tenth Regiment. The line was formed on the south side of State street, right resting on Chapel street, at half past one o'clock. The procession moved down State street to Broadway, up Broadway to Ferry, where a halt was made to allow the military and other associations to take the cars for the cemetery. The steamer Manhattan arrived yesterday morning from Rondout with some six hundred citizens of that place, Kingston and vicinity. Among them were the Masonic lodges of those places, which, with the lodges of this city, constituted one of the most imposing features of the procession. The pageant was a fitting demonstration of respect to the memory of a young and gallant officer, and citizen of intellectual and moral worth."