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This biography is from HEROES OF ALBANY, by Rufus W. Clark, D. D.

Sergt. George Sanders

George Sanders was Norn in Stevington, County of Bedfordshire, England.

We have no reliable information concerning his parentage, and have not been able to ascertain his exact age. Those that knew him well, judged him to have been about thirty-five years at the time of his death. He came to this country with his grandfather when about fourteen years old, and has lived here ever since. His residence, most of the time, has been in Albany.

As nearly as can be ascertained, he enlisted August the 1st, 1862, in Company D, Capt. Charles McCullock, in what was then the One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment, and left with his regiment August 19th, 1862, for Forts Gaines and Kearney near Washington, which forts the regiments helped to build and improve. After the regiment was changed into a Heavy Artillery Regiment, until in the spring of 1864, he, with his comrades were ordered to the front, where they fought with distinguished valor and bravery.

He had thus far taken all the risks and performed all the duties, of a soldier with safety; but at the battle of Coal Harbor, he was struck in the head by a piece of shell, which disabled him, and he was taken from the field. He was sent to Emory Hospital, Washington, D. C, but very shortly was removed to the Camden Street Hospital, Baltimore, Md., and reached there June 11th. He died there, June 18, 1864.

Mr. Sanders had received a fair common school education, was fond of reading, and was well informed in regard to the questions of the day. He felt keenly the wrongs inflicted by the institution of American slavery, and he enlisted in the army inspired by the purest patriotism, and the most earnest desires to uphold the Union and the cause of human liberty. He had also received a thorough religious education, and although not a professor of religion, was a believer in its doctrines, and deeply impressed with its truth. He sustained a line moral character and with great firmness resisted the temptations of the camp and the field. In his letter to his wife, I find he expressed his determination not to disgrace himself or his fimiily by yielding to temptation; and with God's help, he kept his resolution.

As a reward for his fidelity and bravery, he was made Corporal, April 11, 1863, and was made Sergeant, January 24, 1863, which position he held, and by which he was known until he died.

In June, 1863, he was wounded, and soon after died. His body was brought home on the 24th of that month, and buried under the following; touching circumstances:

About the time he was wounded his wife was taken very ill with typhoid fever, and she died on the very day his body arrived in the city. During his sickness it was thought best not to inform her that her husband was wounded. Yet, during her lucid intervals from fever delirium, she stated that he was wounded; and before the telegram came announcing his death she stated that she knew that he was dead.

The funeral services of both took place at the same time, from Rev. Dr. Magoon's church, Sunday, June 26th, and they both lay beside their infant daughter in the Albany Rural Cemetery.

They have two children, boys, aged, at the time of their death, four and five years.

May a kind Providence guard the little orphans thus deprived on the same day of both of their dear parents.

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Debby Masterson

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