Qharles W. Little is a descendant of George Little, the founder of the Newbury family of this name, who came in 1640 from Unicorn street, near London Bridge, England, and settled in Newbury, Mass. Mr. Little was born in Albany, February 4, 1850. His father, Weare Coffin Little, was the sixth in descent from George Little, and was born July 31, 1806, in Maine. In 1827, while acting as the western representative of the firm of Little, Brown & Co., of Boston, Mass., he established in Albany, the law publishing house of W. C. Little & Co. He died February 20, 1885, after a long and successful business life; his uprightness and integrity having, gained him the regard and esteem of all who knew him. C. W. Little's mother was Elizabeth Latimer, and her grandfather. Col. Jonathan Latimer, who served in the Connecticut forces during the Revolutionary war, was present at Bunker Hill and Stillwater and also fought in the French and Indian war. Mr. Little was educated at Professor Anthony's Classical Institute and the State Normal School in Albany. After leaving school he entered his father's law book publishing house and upon the death of his father in 1885, became the sole proprietor. He is a member of the Fort Orange and Uncondilional Republican Clubs, a life member of the Young Men's Association and of the Young Men's Christian Association. December 31, 1872, he married Edith, daughter of Samuel B. Herbert, of London, England, who was a direct descendant of the Earl of Pembroke. They have three daughters; Milla A., Edith H. and Elizabeth W.