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Dr. Herman Bendell is a son of Edward and Hannah (Stern) Bendell, both natives of Bavaria, Germany, and was born in Albany, N. Y., October 28, 1843. His father, who was born in 1809, came to this country in 1838, and died in 1891. His mother still survives. Dr. Bendell received his rudimentary education in the public and select schools of his native city. He read medicine with Dr. Joseph Lewi (whose sketch appears in this volume) and at the Albany Medical College, which he left May 38, 1861, to enter the United States service as hospital steward of the 39th N. Y. Vols. On September 1 of that year he was appointed acting assistant surgeon in the United States army. Returning to Albany early in the winter of 1862, he received in December the degree of M. D. from the Albany Medical College, and almost immediately rejoined his regiment at the front. On February 24, 1863, he was commissioned assistant surgeon of the 6th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and on January 3, 1864, he became surgeon of the 86th N. Y. Vet. Vols., in which capacity he served until the close of the war. On May 18, 1866, he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel of New York Volunteers for faithful and meritorious services.
Dr. Bendell served in the field with his regiments, participated in nearly all the battles fought by the Army of the Potomac, and during the last campaign of that victorious army was in charge of its depot field hospital. He was also present at Lee's surrender at Appomattox, and thus closed a brilliant military record extending over a period of four years. After the close of the Rebellion he entered upon the active practice of his profession in Albany, where he continued successfully until 1869, when he was appointed by President Grant as superintendent of Indian affairs for the Territory of Arizona. In 1873 he resigned this post to accept at the hands of President Grant the appointment of United States consul to Denmark, where he not only served his country faithfully and efficiently for two years, but where he also devoted considerable time to the study of ophthalmology and otology in the University of Heidelberg, receiving a special degree of proficiency in these branches. Returning to Albany in 1876 he has since practiced these specialties with uniform success.
For two years Dr. Bendell was lecturer on physiology at the Albany Medical College, and he is now clinical professor of otology in that institution. He is ophthalmic and aural surgeon on the staff of the Albany City Hospital and at St. Vincent's and St. Francis De Sales's Orphan Asylums, medical adviser of the Jewish Home Society, and surgeon of the Third Brigade, N. G. N. Y., on the staff of Gen. Robert Shaw Oliver, having been first appointed to this position in 1886 on the staff of Gen. Amasa J. Parker. He is a member and in 1893 was president of the Medical Society of the State of New York; a member and in 1884 president of the Albany County Medical Society; a member and in 1885 president of the Alumni Association of the Albany Medical College; a member and past master of Washington Lodge No. 85, F. & A. M.; and a member of Temple Chapter No. 5, R. A. M., De Witt Clinton Council No. 22, R. & S. M., George Dawson Post, No. 63. G. A. R., and the military
order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.
He is a prominent Republican, and has always taken a deep interest in educational matters, especially in the sanitary care of school houses and school hygiene, in which he has rendered valuable service to the city. From 1880 to 1886 he was a member of the Board of Public Instruction of Albany and for two years served as its president. Upon the reorganization of the board in 1892 he again became a member and still continues in that capacity. He was appointed by Mayor Thacher for a term of seven years in January, 1897. He is widely respected and esteemed as one of Albany's most successful surgeons and professional men, and enjoys the confidence of all who know him.
In September, 1873, Dr. Bendell was married to Miss Wilhelmine Lewi, eldest daughter of his medical preceptor, Dr. Joseph Lewi, of Albany, and they have three children: Joseph Lewi Bendell, Myra Lewi Bendell, and Berta S. Bendell.