Anthony N. Brady, who for many years has been prominently identified with various gas and electric street railway enterprises of the State, was born, a son of Nicholas and Helen (Malone) Brady, in Lille, France, August 22, 1843, and came with his mother to this country in 1845, settling in Troy, N. Y., where he received a thorough public school education. He first engaged in the tea business in Albany, Troy and Cohoes, and subsequently became a contractor in all kinds of work, executing among his numerous contracts the stone work of the Hawk street viaduct in Albany.
In 1885 Mr. Brady became interested in the gas business and later in electric street railway enterprises, and since then he has been actively and prominently connected with various large corporations of this character. These enterprises are associated with the progress and development of a number of the chief cities of the Empire State. He is president of the Municipal Gas Company of Albany, vicepresident of the Albany and Troy City Railway Companies, and a director in several other gas and electric street railway corporations operating in the States of New York, Indiana, Rhode Island and Illinois. He is also a director in the Commercial National Bank of Albany, and served that city for several years as a fire commissioner, being first appointed by Mayor Nolan. He is a member of the Albany and Fort Orange Clubs of Albany and of the Manhattan and New Club, the Downtown Association, and the Fifth Avenue Democratic Club of New York city. He has never sought public preferment, but has always taken a lively interest in every movement affecting the general welfare and advancement.
Mr. Brady was married in 1866 to Miss Marcia A., daughter of Harmon Myers, of Bennington, Vt. They are the parents of six children, and reside in Albany.