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This biography is from Landmarks of Albany County, New York, edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y.; D. Mason & Co. Publishers, 1897.

David C. Fitzgerald

David C. Fitzgerald, son of Maurice and Mary (Cregan) Fitzgerald, was born in Limerick, Ireland, June 8, 1868, and is a Iineal descendant of one of the most distinguished Irish families (the Geraldines), having among his ancestors men whose biographies are among the brightest glories of Ireland's history.

The family seat of the branch of the great Geraldine family, of which the object of this sketch is a descender has been established in Limerick since early in the fourteenth century. Mr. Fitzgerald completed his preliminary education in the Royal University of Ireland, Dublin, where, in 1888, the degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on him. In 1890 he received the degree of Barrister at Law at Oxford, after which he seriously considered entering service in the British army, for which he had studied, until attracted by the world-wide fame of the Albany bar, with several prominent members of which he was already on close acquaintance, he settled in this city, and in 1891 was admitted to the bar of New York State, having previously in 1886 declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States.

His career as a student was particularly brilliant and distinguished him as a young man of extraordinary intellectual powers and oratorical ability, which his distinguished achievements at the bar and in public life, since his advent into the business world, has more than confirmed. He has an extensive foreign legal practice, in connection with which he travels extensively in both hemispheres, and has successfully handled many cases involving millions of dollars, showing himself, on every occasion, an able and successful lawyer and a brilliant orator. In politics he is a Democrat, not of the partisan type but on principle, and has on several occasions been honored by his party to which he has rendered invaluable services.

He is of athletic mould with an indomitable will and a vigorous constitution, and the possessor of numerous trophies of victories won by him in the athletic arenas of his college days; he is quite an equestrian and has been the hero of several life-saving incidents, in a manner that has made conspicuous his brave and generous nature and gained him the love and esteem of his fellow citizens.

Indeed Mr. Fitzgerald's distinguished life career of the past, with his extraordinary physical and intellectual powers, and temperate habits of life, marks him as pre-eminently a man of the future and a citizen of whom the capital city might well be proud.

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Debby Masterson

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