US GenWeb

This biography is from HEROES OF ALBANY, by Rufus W. Clark, D. D.

Corporal John E. Bailey

John E. Bailey, Corporal of Company B, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment, N. Y. S. V., was born in Schoharie county, and was the son of Hiram and Caroline Bailey.

He received a good education in early life, and then labored for a time on his father's farm. Becoming tired of farming he went to Long Island, where he taught school. There he was married, and then returned to Schoharie county. He next removed to Albany, and became a clerk in the grocery store of Messrs. T. Lawrence & Son. Soon after settling in this city, he joined Company B as a private, and became a very active member.

When the war broke out, his patriotism was greatly excited, and without bounty or promise of promotion, he left his wife and family and marched away with his comrades to save his country. His regiment arriving at Baton Rouge, La., he was taken sick and was not permitted to be in but one skirmish, where, with a few others, he withstood the onslaught of the rebels in vastly superior numbers, until relieved.

At the taking of Port Hudson, he could not be restrained from taking a part in the action, and arose from a sick couch, and against the doctor's orders, marched with his company to participate in its downfall. But becoming weak and exhausted, he fainted by the road side, and was carried back again. Upon the return of the regiment from Baton Rouge for home, although very feeble, he was taken on board the vessel, and with no care except such as a few of his comrades could give him, he died just before the regiment reached Cairo. There he was buried, but his remains have since been brought home, and buried in the family burying ground at Schoharie village.

At the time he went away he was a member of the Middle Dutch Church of Albany. In his death, his comrades mourn the loss of a faithful and earnest soldier; his wife, of a devoted husband; his mother, of a dutiful son, and society, of a respected and useful member.

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Debby Masterson

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