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This biography is from Landmarks of Albany County, New York, edited by Amasa J. Parker of Albany, N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y.; D. Mason & Co. Publishers, 1897.

Samuel Baldwin Ward, M. D.

Samuel Baldwin Ward, M. D., son of Lebbeus Baldwin and Abby Dwight (Partridge) Ward, was born in the city of New York on June 8, 1842, and is of English descent. His great grandfather, Samuel Ward, born August 27, 1724, moved from Virginia to Morristown, N. J., where he married Mary Shipman, and where he died April 15, 1799. Silas Ward, son of Samuel, was born in Morris county, N. J., in 1767, and died in 1862. He married Phoebe Dod of a New Jersey family distinguished for its literary and scientific attainments. Lebbeus Baldwin Ward, their son, was born April 7, 1801, and died in New York city June 15, 1885. He was a man of practical education, of studious habits, of trustworthy judgment and of great mechanical ability. He erected the Hammersley Forge in New York and won a wide reputation as a builder of engines, and later as a manufacturer of heavy wrought iron forgings. He was an early commissioner of the metropolitan board of police, a member of the State assembly in 1851, and a member of various commissions appointed by the municipality of New York to construct important city works. With his brothers John D. and Samuel S. he also built the first steamboat and the first railroad ever operated in Canada, the firm doing business in Montreal from about 1820 to 1838. Lebbeus Baldwin Ward married Abby Dwight Partridge, who was born in Hatfield, Mass., the daughter of a noted clergyman, and whose ancestors were descended from the best Puritan Pilgrim stock.

Doctor Ward received his earlier education in private schools. When fifteen he entered the freshman class of Columbia College, and after a four years' course was graduated from that institution in 1861 with third honors. He then entered the office of that celebrated physician, Dr. Willard Parker, a close friend of the family, and in 1861 and 1862 attended a course of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. But his patriotism led him to temporarily abandon student life and enlist in the war for the Union, where he united service with professional interest. In 1862 he became a medical cadet, U. S. A., and the Medical Department of Georgetown University in 1864 conferred upon him the degree of M. D. The two years thus spent afforded him a wide practical experience in army hospitals around Washington, and enabled him to reap that reward which comes from faithfulness to duty and skill in practice. In 1863 he became Acting Assistant Surgeon. U. S. A., and soon after his graduation was commissioned by President Lincoln an Assistant Surgeon of U. .S. Volunteers. In the autumn of 1865 he returned to New York and in October embarked for Europe, where for twelve months he studied medicine and surgery in some of the largest hospitals of the Old World. Returning at the end of this period to his native city he engaged in the active practice of his profession, and was soon chosen professor of surgery in the Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary. He also became attending surgeon of the Northern Dispensary, consulting surgeon of the Western Dispensary for Women and Children, visiting surgeon to the Presbyterian Hospital, and in 1873 Assistant Surgeon with the rank of captain of the 7th Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y.

In May, 1876, Doctor Ward removed to Albany, where he has since resided, and where he has won the highest reputation as a physician and surgeon and universal esteem as a citizen. Soon after his arrival he was chosen professor of surgical pathology and operative surgery in the Albany Medical College, and later professor of the theory and practice of medicine in the same institution, which position he still holds. He also became attending surgeon to the Albany and St. Peter's Hospitals. Heis a member of the Association of American Physicians; a member of the Albany County Medical Society; a permanent member and ex-president of the New York State Medical Society; secretary and treasurer of the executive committee of the State Normal College; a trustee and vice-president of the Dudley Observatory; a trustee of the Albany Female Academy; ex-president of the State board of survey; one of the civil service examiners for State medical officials; president of the Fort Orange Club; member and ex-president of the Albany Camera Club, and a member of the American Climatolcgical Association. He was also for some time a member of the Albany board of health, and is connected with several other scientific and social organizations, including the Northwest Medical and Surgical Society, of which he was secretary in 1874-76. He is now attending physician to the Albany City Hospital and consulting physician to St. Peter's Hospital and the Albany Orphan Asylum. In 1864 he received the degree of A. M. in course from Columbia College and in 1882 that of Ph. D. ex-honore from Union University.

Doctor Ward has contributed a number of articles on medicine and surgery to the leading medical journals of the country, and is an authority on many subjects akin to his profession. In 1879 he first visited the Adirondack region, and ever since then he has been enthusiastic in the development of the sanitary advantages of that vast wilderness. His investments in the Saranac Lake country have been considerable, and as both a citizen and an officer he has addressed himself to the work of forest preservation.

In 1871 Doctor Ward was married to Miss Nina A., the accomplished daughter of William A. Wheeler of New York city, who died in October, 1883, leaving three children.

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Debby Masterson

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