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This biography is from HEROES OF ALBANY, by Rufus W. Clark, D. D.

George Stevens

George Stevens, private, was born in Whokengham, Berkshire, England, June 26, A. D. 1825. His parents, Charles and Mary Stevens, were in humble circumstances, and he being one of a large family, was placed at some useful employment when young to assist his parents, and was thus deprived of the opportunitv of obtaining a good education. He was a kind and dutiful son, and strictly honest and industrious. He continued with his parents until the commencement of the year 1849, when he married, and a short time after emigrated to America. He came to the city of Albany, and there continued to reside. He was a great lover of the American people and institutions, and as early as possible he became a citizen of the United States. He attended church, and loved the worship of the Lord.

In the year 1858, he made a public profession of religion. He united with the State Street Baptist Church, and was a zealous, active, consistent Christian. He endeavored to improve his mind by a constant reading of the Holy Scriptures, which became his daily delight. In the church there was a Bible class, and the teacher was the late esteemed and much lamented Mr. Samuel Patten. Mr. Stevens was connected with this class, and as a reward for collecting the names of Christ found in the sacred scriptures, he was presented by Mr. Patten with a beautiful copy of the Holy Bible.

On the breaking out of the rebellion, when the Union was in danger, he was moved with a becoming patriotism; and although he had a wife and children whom he loved and had to provide for, yet he declared it to be his duty to go and light for the land of his adoption. He enlisted as private in Company D, Seventh Heavy Artillery, One Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment N. Y. S. V., on the 9th day of August, 1862, for three years or during the war. He was first stationed near Washington, and enjoyed a soldier life quite well.

He then moved to Petersburg, where the regiment passed through many engagements, which he describes in his letters as being very severe. He also, in his letters, gave a graphic description of the dangers through which he passed, and always declared that he was engaged in a right and good cause, and that if it should be his lot to be killed on the battle field, he was perfectly resigned to the will of God, in whom he trusted. He often urged his wife and children to trust in the same overruling Providence, to pray much, to read the Holy Scriptures, and perform all other religious duties in such a way as to gain the constant approbation of their Heavenly Father; and that if it was His will that they should not meet again on earth, that they might meet again in Heaven.

By lying on the damp ground, and heing constantly exposed, he contracted a severe cold, which affected his lungs, and he was sent to the City Point hospital. From there he was sent to Blackwell's Island hospital, and thence was transferred to the Albany Military hospital. His complaint continued to increase, affecting his throat, and terminated in consumption. He received medical aid and every attention, but rapidly failed.

Mr. I. N. Smith, then minister of his church, with many other old friends, came to see him, and conversed, read and prayed with him. He assured them of his confidence in God, and of his prospect of going to Heaven through the atonement of Christ. He bore all his afflictions with Christian-like fortitude, and was resigned to the will of his Heavenlv Father.

When it became apparent that he would not survive long, he informed his wife and children that he was going home to Heaven, and desired that they would prepare, that they might all have a joyful meeting at the resurrection of the just. He died in the triumphs of faith, and in the hope of a blessed immortality, on the 23d day of May, 1865. His remains were taken to the church, where appropriate remarks were made made by the minister, and from thence were conveyed to the Albany Rural Cemetery.

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