Patrick Maker was born about the year 1821, near Roscrea, in the county of Tipperary, Ireland. He came with his parents to the United States about the year 1824. The family settled in Albany, where his father and mother died. He married early in life, and had two sons, both of whom are now living. His occupation was a saloon keeper, and he was highly respected by every one who knew him. He served for twelve years in the Twenty-fifth Regiment N. Y. S. M., and was a prominent member of the Emmet Guards, being treasurer and Second Lieutenant of said company.
He went to California, where he was not very successful, and after many years returned to Albany.
At the commencement of the late war, he went with the Twenty-fifth (Colonel M. K. Bryan) to Virginia, as Sergeant in company B, Montgomery Guards. A few months after the expiration of his term of service, he enlisted in Captain Michael O'Sullivan's company (F,) Sixty-third N. Y. V., Irish Brigade, and his son Daniel enlisted with him. He was promoted to the position of Commissary Sergeant, and in the discharge of his duties gave universal satisfaction. On the battle field of Antietam he was promoted First Lieutenant, a just tribute to his integrity as well as to his military talents.
He commanded company F, while Captain O'Sullivan was absent from wounds received at the battle of Antietam. He also commanded the company after his Captain's discharge through disability from March to June, 1863, when he was mustered out with other officers, in consequence of the consolidation of the Sixty-third into two companies. He returned home, and resumed his old occupation. He re-enlisted as private in the same regiment, and was present in the sanguinary battles of the Wilderness, Chancellorsville, &c., and in those at Petersburg. His courage and capacity for command being severely tested, he was recommended for promotion to Governor Fenton, and was at once placed in command of a company.
In one of the engagements at Petersburg, June, 1864, a ball shattered his left thigh and amputation became necessary. He came home and died in Albany, and was buried by the Emmet Guards, the company in which he commenced his military career.
He had the satisfaction to receive his commission as First Lieutenant a few days previous to his death, as a recognition of his services in the field, and of his devotion to the Union.