US GenWeb

This biography is from HEROES OF ALBANY, by Rufus W. Clark, D. D.

Lieut. John B. Read

John B. Read, First Lieutenant and Adjutant Seventh N. Y. Heavy Artillery, was born October 8thi, 1830, at Stuyvesant, Columbia county, N. Y. His father's name is Joel Read, and his mother's, Mary A. Burns.

In his domestic relations he was everything that could be desired, and he will be ever remembered as a dutiful son, the kindest of brothers, an affectionate husband and father, and a firm and faithful friend.

He entered the United States service from motives of the purest patriotism. When disaster befell the Federal troops in the battles in front of Richmond, and the second Bull Run, and the call was made for more troops, he at once tendered his services, notwithstanding he had an impediment in his speech, which would have exempted him from all military duty. As a reward for his services in recruiting, he was commissioned Second Lieutenant in Co. A, One Hundred and Thirteenth N. Y. Infantry, August 4, 1862, and was presented, by the citizens of the Eighth Ward, with a sword, sash and belt. On the 19th August, 1862, the regiment left Albany for Washington, and upon reaching there, it was assigned to duty in the defences of that city. When the regiment was changed to heavy artillery, Lieut. Read was selected to recruit the additional men required. This duty he accomplished to the entire satisfaction of his superior officers.

So highly were his services appreciated that he was promoted to First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the regiment.

The regiment left Washington, May 15th, 1864, to join the Army of the Potomac, where it arrived in time to participate in the battles of Spottsylvania Court House, Milford Station, North Anna and Coal Harbor. In all these battles Lieut. Read was engaged, and on every occasion he displayed all the qualities of an old and tried officer.

In the last named battle, he was seriously wounded, and was left within the rebel lines. In all probability he perished upon the field; as nothing definite has ever been heard from him.

Lieut. Read's qualities as a soldier were such that he not only won the respect and affection of the men under his charge, but also, by his pleasing manners and numerous acts of kindness, endeared himself to his superior officers. Whether in the camp or on the battle field, he invariably manifested a deep interest in the welfare of those with whom he was brought in contact. After being wounded, he was unwilling to accept of the services of his fellow soldiers to remove him from the field, knowing from the pressing emergencies of the time that every available man was required, in order to insure the success of the Union forces.

The mystery which hangs over the fate of this noble soldier, has been a source of the deepest anxiety and sorrow to his relatives and friends. They have used every endeavor to ascertain whether he died on the field, or lingered in one of the horrible southern prisons. But they have been unable to learn anything respecting his last days and hours, and can only leave him in the hands of a merciful God, with the hope of meeting him again, where all is peace and joy, and where the good shall meet to part no more.

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Debby Masterson

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