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The subject of this sketch was born in the city of Albany, Aug. 31, 1835. The names of his parents are Samuel Morris and Elizabeth Mason. He was baptized in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, by Bishop Kipp, then of Albany, now of California. An affectionate son and brother, intelligent and generous, he grew into manhood with the affection of all around him. His social virtues and manly character, with his fine musical abilities, drew many a friend to him. He was a bookbinder by trade, and excelled in that department. Being an active member of the Washington Continentals, Co. B, at the commencement of the war, he took an active part in endeavoring to organize the Tenth Regiment National Guards, and urging the Government to accept their services. But finding this a hopeless case, he took the first opportunity presented of entering the service.
On the issuing of General Order No. 52, dated Head-quarters State of New York, A. G. O., Albany, July 7th, 1862, he commenced recruiting for the Tenth Ward company, of the "Albany County Regiment," and was mustered in First Lieutenant, Company C, August 7th, 1862. Upon a vacancy occurring in the regiment, he was made Captain, August 19th, 1862, the day the regiment left Albany.
The regiment, originally an infantry, was changed to Seventh Heavy Artillery (One Hundred aud Thirteenth), and was engaged in garrison duty, in several of the fortifications in the vicinity of Washington, and finally ordered to the front. They were assigned to Gen. Tyler's Division, and on Thursday, May 19th, 1864, the rebels attempted to reach the rear of the right flank of Gen. Grant's army, when they were met by Gen. Tyler's forces. After a severe battle, in which the Seventh and Second bore the most conspicuous part, the rebels were repulsed and forced to abandon their bold attempt. The Second and Seventh, it is said, fought with the utmost fearlessness and courage.
Capt. Morris was faithful as a commander, and served constantly in the regiment until May 19th, 1864, the day upon which he met his death. The regiment was sent into battle, and after charging through a wood and across an open field, the command was halted on the top a ridge, back of the line of fire, and then ordered to lie down. The men had dropped down, and Capt. Morris, while exposed to the enemy's fire, was shot by a bullet from the rifle of a rebel sharpshooter, which pierced his heart. He died without a struggle, on the field of Spottsylvania, Va. He was buried the next morning, at or near the division hospital, by Chaplain Calder. His remains were brought to Albany, by his brother, in the fall of 1865, and buried in the Rural Cemetery, with military honors. Company B, Tenth N. G., and returned members of Seventh Artillery New York Volunteers formed the escort.
Capt. Morris was a man of strict integrity and high moral character. His comrades in arms, among whom is Capt. George H. Treadwell, of the same regiment, unite in pronouncing him a devoted patriot, a brave and faithful soldier; while friends in civil life bear with them the consoling thought that he acted a noble part in life, and leaves a fragrant memory behind him.
At a meeting of Protection Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, of which he was a member, among the resolutions adopted were
the following:
Whereas, We have received the sad intelligence of the death of our esteemed fellow member, Capt. John A. Morris, of the Seventh New York Artillery, while bravely leading his command into action in the engagement near Spottsylvania Court House, on Thursday, May 19, 1864; therefore. Resolved, That though we feel assured that he willingly offered up his life on the altar of his country, and died where his gallant nature prompted—at the post of duty, facing the enemies of his country, and in the hour of victory—yet the pride we feel in his devoted patriotism is mingled with sadness for the loss of a comrade, whose generous nature, social virtues and manly character endeared him to all. Resolved, That in the death of Captain John A. Morris, the country loses a devoted patriot and a brave soldier, and this company one of its most active and useful members, who, since its organization, had been foremost in everything that contributed to advance its interests; and that while we view with admiration the noble example he has left us, we deeply deplore his early death. |
M. HIGGINS, President. R. T. BRIGHTMAN, Secretary. |
Albany, N. Y., May 23, 1864. |