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This biography is from ANNALS of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-1851, by Sylvester D. Willard, M. D.

David Martin

David Martin was born in Argyle, Washington county, N. Y., on the 14th of May, 1800. His father was a farmer who had early settled in that county; David being his seventh son. Having prosecuted his studies at an academy in his native county, he removed to Albany in 1824, where he pursued the study of the languages with a brother, who was pastor of the Associate Presbyterian church in this city. He was a pupil in medicine with Dr. James McNaughton, and received his medical degree at the Fairfield Medical College (N. Y.), in January 1828. Until 1836 he practiced in Hebron, N. Y. He then removed to Albany, where he resided until the period of his death, which was occasioned by hemorrhage from the lungs, while on a visit to his brother in his native town, on May 21st, 1853.

Dr. Martin was twice alms house physician. He gained a very extensive practice, and the duties incident to it were faithfully discharged.

He was an elder in the Associate Presbyterian church, of which his brother was pastor, and his daily life was in worthy exemplification of the faith and doctrine he professed.

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