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This biography is from HEROES OF ALBANY, by Rufus W. Clark, D. D.

Sergt. Charles H. Fredenrich

Charles H. Fredenrich, the son of Philip and Sarah Fredenrich, was born in Albany, October 23, 1841.

He was a youth of a retiring and generous nature, and was greatly beloved by a large circle of friends. Leaving school at an early age, he assisted his father in his business, and displayed great energy and perseverance in discharging his duties. He was an affectionate son and brother, and greatly contributed to the happiness of the home circle.

Charles enlisted in Company B, Tenth or One Hundred and Seventy-seventh New York Regiment. On the eve of his departure with his regiment, his friends presented him with a sword and accoutrements, as evidences of their appreciation of his patriotism and valor.

His virtues as a man and a soldier, and the time and circumstances of his death, may be learned from the following letters:

Died, at Bonnet Carre, La., March 10th, 1863, Sergeant Charles H. Fredenrich, of Company B, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Regiment N. Y. State Volunteers.
To Philip Fredenrich, Esq.:
Dear Sir—The painful duty of communicating to you the above sad intelligence devolves upon me. I can scarcely find words to express my feelings in transmitting to you this painful intelligence. Death has again entered our ranks, and robbed you of a beloved son, and us of a beloved comrade.

God, in his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to take him from us, in the bloom of his youth. In the freshness of his strength, he has been called upon to yield upon the altar of his country, all that a soldier has to give—his services and his life. While we bow in humble submission to the will of "Him who doeth all things well," we would drop the tear of regret upon the grave of our departed brother. To you, sir, and all of the members of your family, we, as a company, offer our heartfelt sympathy, and pray that God, in his infinite mercy, may sustain you in this your greatest trial.

Your son died of typhoid fever, after an illness of about three weeks. We did not think him dangerously ill, until a few days previous to his death. All that medical skill, combined with watchful care, could do, were done, but without avail. He retained his reason (with a few momentary exceptions) to the last, and wished to be remembered to his parents, a few moments before he expired. Henry Sayre, of our company, attended him during the last few days of his existence here, who will communicate to you more particularly than I have. His remains have been interred here, and his grave plainly marked. His personal effects I will forward to you the first opportunity.

Again offering you our condolence, with wishes for your health and welfare, I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant, CHAS. E. DAVIS,
Capt. Co. B, lllth N. Y. S. V.

Bonnet Carre, April 10, 1833
Dear bereaved Friends—Having had the care of your son Charles, I thought it my duty as a friend to tell you of his illness and of his last wishes.

A few days after his first attack, I was asked by Dr. Craig to go and take the full charge of him, and I consented. The same morning I went to the hospital and found Charles pretty ill, alhough perfectly rational. He seemed very much pleased to think I had come to take care of him, and I saw that he felt better than he had done. The doctor also noticed it. Having had the care of several that had been sick with the same disease, the doctor told me to do as I had done for all the rest. I went immediately and got sponges to bathe his parched face and forehead. Never before have I seen a fever take hold of a person as it did of him. It was impossible for him to sleep, or get any rest. His face could not be left over fifteen minutes at a time without bathing. After three days the fever took a turn, and as you have been ere this informed, for the worse. I immediately told Charles of his condition, and asked him if he had anything to send to his parents. He received my words with perfect composure, and put his hand out to take hold of mine. I took his hand, and as long as I live, I shall never forget the looks he gave me. I give you his words: "Oh! Henry, bid my father and mother, and brothers and sisters, good bye. Tell them I am about to leave this world. I am tired of this life, and am satisfied to die." This was about eleven o'clock. He lingered until about one o'clock, when his senses left him, and at ten minutes of two o'clock he expired. Several times I heard him call for his mother, saying: "Why don't she come."

My feelings at his death can only be equaled by your own. If it had been my brother, I could not have felt any worse. I read the Bible to him, and did all that was in my power to make him comfortabIe.

I took his effects, as he gave them to me, when I first went to take care of him, and turned them over to Capt. Davis. I saw that he was properly laid out. After he was put in the coffin, I marked and cut his name on a board, and placed it at his last resting place, which is in a field selected by the General for the purpose. It is about one-quarter of a mile from the camp.

He was buried by the whole regiment, the Colonel dispensing with all duties that afternoon, to give the companies an opportunity to be present. Every officer, from the Colonel down, was in the line, and every private out of the hospital also. He was beloved and respected by all who knew him. As far as practicable, while sick, he was visited by all the officers—the Colonel seldom letting a morning pass without seeing him. Hoping that I may return and tell you more particulars, I remain, your obedient servant,
HENRY SAYRE, Co. B, 111th N. Y. S V.

To Philip Fredenrich and family,
No. 208 Jay street, Albany, N. Y.
Head Quarters 177th Regt. N. Y. V., Department
of the Gulf, Bonnet Carre Bend, March 18, 1863

Mr. Philip Fredexrich:
Dear Sir—Ere you receive this, you will have been informed of the sickness and death of your beloved son. Charles stood the sea voyage and our march well, and weighed twenty-five pounds more than he did when he left home; in fact, was the picture of health, and the admiration of the regiment until the 21st of February, when he was taken ill with symptoms of fever. The Sergeant at once sent him to the hospital, hoping by prompt treatment to avert the threatened malady but each day more fully developed the progress of the fever; and although the surgeons were watchful and untiring in their efiorts to save his life,and the nurses, together with a special nurse detailed from Company B, were unceasing in their labors of love and devotion to him, and to save a "beloved comrade from sinking beneath the ravages of the disease. Alas! it was all of no effect.

Death loves a shining mark, and on the l0th inst., at four o'clock p. m., a beloved brother's spirit left its tenement of clay, when mourning and sorrow marked each countenance, as the sad announcement passed from street to street, and from tent to tent.

The funeral services were held in the camp on the 11th inst., at three o'clock p. m., and were solenm and impressive; when the remains were borne to the silent grave (attended by a large military cortege), where they were interred beside Sergt. Bridgman, of Company B. How true it is, "that in life, we are in the midst of death."

My dear brother, in the death of your son there will be a loss to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and to society, an elevated and polished member. I had marked with glowing pleasure his rapid, developing manhood, and the many indications of robust, physical health. But, alas! he has been stricken down in his vigor, and in the midst of those bright hopes which fill up the measure of a young man's life.

In his every action was manifested the generous impulses of a noble soul—a soul too delicately and finely strung to mingle with the gross and selfish of this wicked world. His was a temperament always unruffled, and a demeanor always manly, polite and noble, with a disposition to follow the moral and intellectual instincts of his generous nature. And although cut down in the midst of the enemy's country, at the opening of a career that gave great promise of brilliancy and honor, we all cannot but feel that our loss is his eternal gain.

Yours very respectfully,
Colonel Commanding 117th Regiment" N. Y. V.

The following notice appeared in the "Albany Evening Journal" March 25th, 1863:

Mr. Editor—We see by your columns last evening that another young Albanian has offered up his life on the altar of his country.

Charles H. Fredenrich died at Bonnet Carre, La., of typhoid fever. He was a young man of high moral character, a devoted son and brother, whose loss is irreparable. His military education was of a high order. He was a thorough soldier, and highly esteemed by his companions in arms.

He declined prominent positions tendered to him by his numerous friends, in various companies raised here last summer, from his timidity of an officer's duty. But when his own company (B) was called upon to make up the Tenth Regiment, he was prompt to answer his country's call, and sunder the tenderest associations for her sake.

Few young men have been taken from our midst that will be more deeply lamented than Charles H. Fredenrich.


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