US GenWeb

This biography is from ANNALS of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-1851, by Sylvester D. Willard, M. D.

Alva W. Rockwell

Alva Y". Rockwell was born in Berkshire county. Massachusetts, on the 17th day of October, 1796, and began the study of medicine at an early age with Dr. Taylor, the physician in his native town, and attended lectures at the Medical College in Fairfield, Xew York, and subsequently at the Berkshire medical school, where he received his diploma about the year 1820. He practiced a few years in Goshen, Massschusetts, and then to lessen the amount of physical labor which his health was unable to sustain, he removed to the village of West Troy, in 1825. Here he was pleasantly located and enjoyed a respectable practice, and reputation, filling during the last few years of his life the position of Post Surgeon at the United States arsenal, in that village. His death occurred on the 22d of February, 1837, at the age of forty years, having been seventeen years in professional life. As a physician he was above the avarage in ability, and yet without excelling in any particular branch. His ecclesiastical relations were with the Reformed Dutch church, of which he was a member. Dr. Rockwell left a wife, two daughters and two sons.

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